check in/out

We welcome you with open arms between 5 and 7 pm.

We wave you goodbye between 8 and 11 am.



We serve breakfast between 8 and 9.30 am.


public transport

Bruges railway station is 3 kilometers away. In front of the station at the kiss & ride parking you can take a free centrumshuttlebus. It goes daily from 7 am until 7 pm every 20 minutes. You get off at 'Vlamingdam' and walk for 5 minutes. Another option is to take in front of the railwaystation bus number 6 to 'Koolkerke' or bus number 42 to 'Breskens to the bus stop ‘Vlamingdam’ or 'Komvest'. This is a little 10 minute walk. A single ride is 2,5 euro.



Our property is located in the blue zone. Between 9 am and 6 pm you can park for free for 4 hours with an international blue parking card. Between 6 pm and 9 am it's totally free.

The nearest public parking is Interparking Brugge - parking center Ezelstraat. This is a 15 minute walk.

The nearest free parking is at the Lodewijk Coiseaukaai. This is a 20 minute walk.